Our life is a journey; we make decisions about who we will become every day. Our faith is that way too. The journey of following Jesus happens step by step. While no two journeys are the same, we believe there are Next Steps everyone can take to continue growing their relationship with Jesus.
What's Your NEXT STEP?

Connect With Us
We want to help you get connected | Ephesians 4:16
Whether you are brand new here or have called Pathway home for a while, we want to get to know you! So stop by our orange Connections Tent in the parking lot or text “mypathwayconnect” to 94000 to complete a Connections Card. That’s where you will let us know more about you and if you want us to reach out.

Accept Jesus As Lord
Ask Jesus to be Lord of your life | Romans 10:9-10
The greatest day of your life is when you commit yourself to Jesus! The Bible tells us that Jesus has the power to “make all things new.” Jesus desires for you to experience new purpose, new joy, new peace and new life greater than you can imagine.
Get Baptized
Go public with your faith | Matthew 28:19-20
After you have made the decision to commit your life to Jesus, baptism is your Next Step! Baptism is an outward display of your inward decision to trust Christ with your life. When you step into the water, you are letting the world know of your new commitment of faith in Jesus. Here at Pathway we offer Baptism multiple times a year and we provide you with everything you need to go public with your faith.

Develop A Prayer Life
Pray daily and often | Philippians 4:6
Prayer is one of the most crucial aspects to a vibrant and growing relationship with Jesus. Prayer is simply having a conversation with Jesus – something everyone can do. There’s no one way to pray, but here is a template that will help you as you begin to connect with
Jesus through conversation:
PRAISE – Begin your prayer with PRAISE. Praise is thanking God for who He is, what He can do, and what He has done.
REPENT – Take a moment to REPENT. Recognize your shortcomings and turn away from them. God isn’t surprised by anything you bring to Him, so don’t be afraid to admit the things that fall short of His standard for your life.
ASK – Be willing to ASK. God wants us to ask Him for things in our lives. He wants His children (that’s us) to come to Him with our requests.
YIELD – Finally, YIELD. Prayer is not just asking God for what you want; it is putting yourself in a position to want what God wants. When we yield to His plan and His purpose above all, we show that we trust in His goodness.

Read Your Bible Daily
Spend time in His word | Psalm 119:105
The Bible is the most important book you will ever read. It is God’s very own words spoken to you. The Bible is true, timeless, and able to equip you for every step in your journey with God.

Attend Church Regularly
Join a community of believers | Hebrews 10:24-25
The only thing Jesus ever established was the local church. This journey of faith isn’t meant to be traveled alone. At church each week, we unite to worship God, discover His plan for our lives, learn to live out His priorities, and build relationships with others who have a commitment to Christ.

Invite Someone
Share your faith | Luke 12:8
God has already placed people in your life – family, friends, co-workers, casual acquaintances – who are just one invitation to church away from experiencing all that God has for them. Begin to pray for opportunities to share your story with others and you’ll be amazed at how God will use you to bring life-change to the world, one person at a time!
Join The Serve Team
Take over the world | Matthew 20:28
Saved people, serve people! Whether you are handing out high-fives at the door or hosting an online experience, we’re committed to helping you find a way to serve that fits you.
Attend First Step
Discover your purpose and learn about Pathway | Romans 8:28
God made you on purpose, for a purpose. At First Step, you will discover your giftings, our story, and your place in Pathway’s mission of connecting people to purpose.
Get In A Lifegroup
Life happens in a group | Proverbs 27:17
Your community has the potential to change your life forever. Discover our Lifegroups and find your crew today!
Attend a Grow Class
Never stop growing | 2 Peter 3:18
No matter how long you have been a Christ follower, a Grow Class will help equip you for your journey of following Jesus.

Serve With Outreach
Be the hands and feet of Jesus | Matthew 5:16
From meeting practical needs, partnering with current leaders in our city and feeding those less fortunate on the street; we’re all about putting our passion into action around our community.
Be Generous
Use what God has given you to bless others | Luke 6:38
Through the generosity of the Pathway family, lives are forever altered, families are mended, children are clothed, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached worldwide. Simply put, when you give, you are making a difference in someone’s life, and we believe there is no better investment.

Become A Leader
Lead a group, lead a team, lead others to Christ. | 2 Timothy 2:15
There is leadership potential in each person, and we know that God wants to use that leadership to expand His Kingdom at Pathway and beyond.

What's Your Next Step?
We want everyone to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus. We believe that journey doesn’t have a finish line, but is made up of daily decisions, devotions and actions. Wherever you are today, ask God for what is next, believe in Him and obey what He is saying. If you’re still breathing, there is always a Next Step to take.